1-800-667-0429- Mon to Fri - 8:45AM to 4:45PM ET

High-Risk Travel Insurance

Choose from multiple coverage options in two minutes or less

Worried about your pre-existing health condition? Or are you the adventurous type?

Are you worried about your pre-existing condition(s) standing in the way of your ability to travel? Have you had a new diagnosis, recent surgery or change in your existing medications? If you are like many people who have worked hard your whole life and anticipate seeing the world in your retirement, a chronic illness or unexpected medical crisis should not prevent you from travelling.

Or are you the adventurous type? Scuba diver, mountain climber? Do you travel to compete in sports competitions such as ice hockey, mountain biking or motorized sports? Are you a truck driver who crosses the border daily? Standard travel insurance policies exclude high-risk sports, professional athletes and truck drivers –– but that shouldn’t stop you from living life to the fullest.

SBIS has options to cover you

Regardless of your sense of adventure, your high-risk career, or your pre-existing condition(s), at SBIS, we won’t let your risk issues stand in the way of your ability to travel with the security of insurance in place.

Don’t be someone who rolls the dice and travels without travel insurance at all. That’s not a financial risk anyone should take.

Manulife Individual Medical Underwriting Plan

If you’ve had a recent surgery, hospitalization or change in medication you can be covered — provided you are not travelling against the advice of a physician or have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. You can choose from plans that offer stability periods of 30 days, 7 days or even a plan without a stability requirement. Coverage options range from $150,000 to $10 Million.

There are no age restrictions and you can apply by phone to provide your travel dates and answer a few questions about your medical conditions. And the great news is that there is an annual Multi-trip plan now available designed to meet the needs of frequent travellers, providing coverage for one year for an unlimited number of trips up to 10 or 18 days!

TuGo Optional Sports Coverage

If you are ready to go mountain climbing, travel to compete in sports such as ice hockey, mountain biking or motorized sports, or if you are a truck driver who crosses the border daily, we’ve got a plan for you. Your plan for eligible hospital and medical expenses for sickness or accidents will cover you while participating in, coaching, teaching, training or practicing for

  • Contact Sports like ice hockey, lacrosse, boxing, football or rugby
  • Adventure Sports including flying in a glider or ultralight, downhill freestyle or backcountry skiing, bobsledding, downhill mountain biking, hang gliding, ice and mountain claiming, X Game sports, parachuting and skydiving, or parasailing
  • Extreme Sports like base jumping, bull riding, racing, scuba diving over 30 metres, ultimate fighting & mixed martial arts or wingsuit jumping.

Want to know if your sport is covered? Just ask SBIS.

And remember: you can be participating as part of a registered team, league, association or club, competing in a registered tournament or event, or just enjoying an adventure vacation.

Visit the links below to find out more

High Risk Traveler Under 59

Or contact us to get more information about high-risk travel insurance.

clients' testimonials

Thank you for your help and for sending me the policy. Please feel free to forward my response to your supervisor. I appreciate that you understood my requirements, did the research quickly, and responded promptly and always in a courteous and friendly manner.

Leslie R

You have made my day! I don’t think I have ever received such good service from any company before. Thank you so much for sending those reports to me. I plan to submit the info to the government and maybe get a little refund. Every penny counts.

Judy S

I’ve had the very real pleasure of working with the good people at Special Benefit Insurance Services (SBIS) for almost 2 decades. Their professionalism and commitment to high service standards, makes all the difference, when it comes to helping our mutual clients to be, simply and consistently, “very happy” customers.

Don M

This kind of service keeps your clients coming back to you when they need to purchase any kind of insurance. Thank you for suggesting Destination Travel Insurance.

Cely T

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    We’re here to help

    If you have any questions, would like more information or need assistance selecting a plan, please do not hesitate to call us.

    Business hours

    Monday to Friday 8:45 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Eastern Time

    Head Office:
    Special Benefits Insurance Services
    20 Toronto Street, Suite 860, Toronto, ON, M5C 2B8

    North East Branch:
    Special Benefits Insurance Services
    3091 Chandler Dr, Port Perry, ON, L9L 1B6